Ché Ahn Ministries is committed to being an authoritative Godly influence to bring the Holy Spirit into mainstream and Christian media markets.
Transform Society and Advance His Kingdom!
“Equipping the Saints,” with Che Ahn, Season 3, features some of today’s most influential leaders from around the world. Tune in as they share what they sense God is doing—here and now—and how you can help transform society and advance His Kingdom!
To start Season 3, host Ché Ahn sits down with his close friend and covenant brother, Bill Johnson. Together, they dive deep into navigating pain, loss, and disappointment with faith, discussing Bill’s personal journey after the loss of his wife. Bill shares wisdom on offering praise to God amid suffering, and Ché reflects on the strength of embracing mystery instead of demanding answers.
You can watch “Equipping the Saints,” Seasons 1 and 2 on Che Ahn’s YouTube channel. New Episodes of Season 3 will be released every Friday starting October 11th.
Upcoming Events
Get your Copy of “Blueprints for Transformation”
Step into your God-given destiny with Blueprints for Transformation by Dr. Ché Ahn. You will discover how to embrace your calling as a revivalist, walk in Holy Spirit power. and spark personal and social transformation.
What People Are Saying About the Book
“Fascinating read and a timely message.”
⏤ Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
“Ché’s words strengthen you.”
⏤ Heidi G. Baker, Ph.D., Co-founder and Executive Chairman of the Board, Iris Global
“Practical yet profound strategies to see the reality of heaven come to earth.”
⏤ Bill Johnson, Senior Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, CA
“This book of testimonies will warm your heart.”
⏤ Doris Wagner, Author of God’s Apostle:My Adventures in Life with C. Peter Wagner
Che Ahn’s Books
Harvest Rock Church
Harvest Rock Church is an Apostolic church committed to winning souls, planting multi-site campuses, and transforming society with the power of the Holy Spirit.
We meet every Sunday at 9:3 am at the Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, CA.
For more info, visit us at www.harvestrock.church
Harvest International Ministry
God-breathed prophetic words released over many generations have given rise to a growing global apostolic network impacting lives in over 65 nations worldwide. United, we are committed to this vision: advancing the Kingdom of God by equipping leaders, evangelizing, and bringing revival and reformation to the nations.
For more info, visit us at www.harvestim.org
Wagner University
Founded in 1998 by Dr. C. Peter Wagner, WU reflects a new paradigm for unique training in practical ministry. Unlike traditional seminaries, we focus on equipping “in-service” leaders with a hybrid online and in-person style of teaching and learning, as well as impartation and activation. When you embark on the journey with us, you will have hands-on, practical application and Spirit-led ministry opportunities. You’ll be equipped to bring the kingdom of God into the 7 Mountains of culture, including the church, family, business, media, arts & entertainment, education, and government. Lastly, you’ll develop a network of relationships with like-minded leaders around the globe.
For more info, please visit us at www.wagner.university