Sermon Notes

Voting Biblically - Being A Reformer Series

I realized that with my travel schedule and the fact we have early voting in California, I need to give my annual message on why we need to vote biblically.

Original Air Date: Sept 15, 2024

Revival & Reformation: The 3rd Great Awakening

I believe with all my heart that we are entering into a Third Great Awakening, which encompasses a dark time or global shaking as a backdrop to the great light of revival and reformation.

Original Air Date: July 28, 2024

The 4th Season: Coming Into our Promised land.

I had an Abrahamic calling when God gave me a dream for Sue and I to leave our extended family and for us to come to Los Angeles. We knew no one in L.A. Since then, we have gone through 4 major seasons. 1: Nightly Meetings at Mott. 1995–1998, 2: TheCall Prayer Movement. 2000 –2003, 3: Purchasing the Ambassador Auditorium. 2004–2024 4: Laying down Isaac.

Original Air Date: June 23, 2024

The Case For Spiritual Parenting & Discipleship

On Father’s Day, I want to call us to a fresh commitment to being godly parents in the home, but also to be spiritual parents to the new and younger Christians in the church..

Original Air Date: June 16, 2024

Transforing The World By Being Salt & Light - Sermon On The Mount Series

Two of the most transformational agents are salt and light. Salt and light change the environment. God has called each one of us to transform our world by calling us as salt and light.

Original Air Date: May 26, 2024

8 Blessings Jesus Promises - Sermon On The Mount Series

The Sermon on the Mount is the most famous sermon in the world, but it is also the least understood and the least obeyed.

Original Air Date: May 19, 2024

God At War - Spiritual Warfare Series

Papa Che highlights the 3 levels and 3 truths of spiritual warfare.

Original Air Date: April 28, 2024

Prophetic & Power Evangelism - Community Outreach Series

Jesus gives us both the power and the prophetic strategy to fulfill the Great Commission.

Original Air Date: March 17, 2024

The Call To Action Part 2 - Community Outreach Series

To bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth has always been God’s plan, but it was inaugurated when Jesus began His ministry. It culminated when Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then rose again on the third day! Now He has given us the commandment for His Ekklesia, His legislative body, to transform the world before He comes.

Original Air Date: March 3, 2024

The Call To Action Part 1 - Community Outreach Series

To bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth has always been God’s plan, but it was inaugurated when Jesus began His ministry. It culminated when Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then rose again on the third day! Now He has given us the commandment for His Ekklesia, His legislative body, to transform the world before He comes.

Original Air Date: Feb 25, 2024

Out of The Salt Shaker PT2 - Community Outreach Series

The three keys to successful evangelism, which is foundational to all community outreaches..

Original Air Date: Feb 18, 2024

Out of The Salt Shaker - Community Outreach Series

The three keys to successful evangelism, which is foundational to all community outreaches..

Original Air Date: Feb 11, 2024

VISION SUNDAY: The Three C’s -Celebration, Connect & Community

God’s means for advancing His Kingdom is through the Church, His Ekklesia. That is why it is imperative that we hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church.
Original Air Date: Jan 28, 2024

Christmas Peace: 3 Types of Biblical Peace

On the first Christmas night, the angels proclaimed that peace had finally come to earth because God was pleased with men. What does this mean? What kind of peace are we talking about?

Original Air Date: Dec 24, 2023

Wealth God’s Way - Prosperity God’s Way Series

Paster Ché shares eight truths on how God gives us the power to create wealth.

Original Air Date: Dec 3, 2023

Kingdom Law of Giving & Prosperity - Prosperity God’s Way Series

“Otherwise, you may say in your heart, ‘My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.’ But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth…”

Original Air Date: Nov 26, 2023

Faith For Your Finances - Prosperity God’s Way Series

Jesus died for our sins and rose again. We know that He took our sickness, but He also took the curse of poverty.

Original Air Date: Nov 12, 2023

True revival will bring about Reformation of the Institutions in Society that will lead to social transformation. The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

Original Air Date: Sept 17, 2023

Restoration of New Testament Christianity

The Good Samaritan - Jesus makes up this brilliant story to teach us that He wants us to love God with the love that He has given to us, and to love our neighbor with the same love that we love and care for ourselves.

Original Air Date: Sept 10, 2023

Loving Our Neighbors Into the Kingdom

7 Kingdom Values & The Ekklesia

This is not a physical Kingdom. There are no borders, no passport. It has no physical army. It is a spiritual Kingdom. In John 18:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.”

Original Air Date: Aug 20, 2023

Jesus Came To Seek & Save That Which Was Lost

Jesus will come and create a new heaven on earth, but until then, He expects us to bring heaven’s throne of justice, righteousness, truth, and love to earth as it is in heaven.

Original Air Date: July 16, 2023

God’s Strategy to Transform Nations - 7M Ekklesia Series

Ekklesia - Jesus picked this word because the called-out ones are not just to meet and gather on Sundays, but they are called out to legislate in society through prayer.

Original Air Date: July 9, 2023

A New Wineskin For The New Wine - 7M Ekklesia Series

God spoke to Mama Sue and me that there is going to be a new wineskin. • This goes back to a prophetic word from Ed Silvoso: “Turn your heart back to California. As you do so, God is going to give you an apostolic strategy for a great harvest and revival.” I knew that it meant an apostolic strategy to transform California.

Original Air Date: July 2, 2023

The Prodigal Father

As fathers, we must love unconditionally. You can hate the sin, but you must love the sinner. If your son or daughter backslides, love never fails.

Original Air Date: June 18, 2023

How To Love Your Family & Friends Into God’s Kingdom

I want to share with you an effective way to evangelize the lost that every believer can do. I want to talk about loving our family and friends into the Kingdom through friendship evangelism and servant evangelism.

Original Air Date: June 4, 2023

Loving Your Family Into The Kingdom

I really believe that God has saved you so that you can be the catalyst of seeing your family members come to Christ.

Original Air Date: May 28, 2023

Deborah: A Mother In Israel - Ephesians

To awaken and activate the women of God to be leaders in God’s Kingdom.

Original Air Date: May 14, 2023

Going To Another Level In Spiritual Warfare - Ephesians

When God starts to move, God wants His people to co-labor with Him and go to another level in prayer and spiritual warfare.

Original Air Date: May 7, 2023

Revival is in the air! I believe that we are in a Malachi 4:5-6 season. All the problems in our society are due to fatherlessness. The solution is the presence of the Holy Spirit in your home and in your lives.

Original Air Date: April 30, 2023

Revival In Your Home - Ephesians

This week, we want to focus on marriage, but next week our focus will be on parenting. In this passage of Ephesians, Paul teaches us keys to a successful marriage. I want to share seven truths to having a heaven-on-earth marriage.

Original Air Date: April 23, 2023

Heaven In Your Home - Ephesians

The Resurrection Power - Ephesians

Ephesus was birthed out of the Resurrection Power. This resurrection power brought about the greatest revival in the book of Acts and birthed the church in Ephesus.

Original Air Date: April 9, 2023

Hosting The Holy Spirit Through Personal Holiness - Ephesians

How do we practically grow in holiness? We come to a passage in Paul’s Ephesian letter of truth that has helped me immensely: the principle of putting off and putting on.

Original Air Date: April 2, 2023

Hosting The Holy Spirit Through Unity - Ephesians

Typical of Paul’s letters, he begins with the “wealth of the Gospel,” our riches in Christ. But now he emphasizes the practical walk with God. Now that we have received the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit gives us grace to walk out Hosting the Holy Spirit Through Unity

Original Air Date: March 26, 2023

Personal Revival Prayer - Ephesians

The water level may be ankle deep right now because we are in the early stages of this revival, but the water level is rising! When God begins to pour out His Spirit, we are to ask for more. Here are five things we should ask our Heavenly Father for to go deeper into the river of God.

Original Air Date: March 18, 2023

Unity & Revival - The Book of Ephesians

God’s heart is for us to be one. But in these last days, I feel that He is emphasizing oneness and unity in three specific areas..

Original Air Date: March 5, 2023

The Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation - The Book of Ephesians

I just returned from the Asbury Revival. I believe that this is a true historic revival.

Original Air Date: Feb 19, 2023

In the letter to the Ephesians, Apostle Paul deals with big-issue theological topics that are in many ways unsearchable and unfathomable to understand. We try to understand predestination, election, and what it means to be chosen. How does this work? If you are predestined to be saved, then that implies that others are not. Does God choose some to be saved and some to be damned?

Original Air Date: Feb 12, 2023

G.R.A.C.E: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense - The Book of Ephesians

Our Riches In Christ - Study In The Book of Ephesians

The Holy Spirit is the means of manifesting the blessing from the Father. One of the major manifestations from the Holy Spirit is wisdom.

Original Air Date: Feb 5, 2023

Vision Sunday 2023

Che Ahn share what God put on his heart for Harvest Rock Church in 2023.

Original Air Date: Jan 29, 2023

Christmas is about the incarnation of Jesus, how God came to earth as a baby.

Original Air Date: Dec 25, 2022

Christmas And God’s Love

Breaking The Spirit of Mammon & Poverty - Stewardship Series

The goal of the Christian walk is to get your soul to be conformed to God’s mind, emotions, and will. Think like God, feel what He feels, and do what He would do.

Original Air Date: Dec 4, 2022

The Transfer of Wealth - Stewardship Series

Scripture teaches that it is going to take money to transform society or disciple nations. In the past we have limited raising funds for church projects, supporting a missionary, or even starting an orphanage, but we are realizing that it is going to take “The Great Transfer” of wealth to transform societies..

Original Air Date: Nov 27, 2022

The Faith of Abraham - Stewardship Series

Five truths about faith in Romans 4: 16-25, from the life of Abraham.

Original Air Date: Nov 6, 2022

Our Father Abraham - Stewardship Series

Abraham is called the father of our faith. We are to look to him as an example of a great father, not a perfect father (e.g. he lied about his wife twice, had sex with Hagar, etc.) but the father of the nation of Israel, Islam, and Christianity.

Original Air Date: Oct 30, 2022

Biblical Financial Stewardship - Stewardship Series

“The longer I live, the more I realize how important stewardship is from God’s perspective.” - Ché Ahn

Original Air Date: Oct 9, 2022

Loving Well To The End - Freedom Series

The Christian life is all by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, which is called the grace of God. It is by God’s grace that we can do anything, especially love one another.

Original Air Date: Sept 4, 2022

Breaking Off All Curses - Freedom Series

We are saved by grace, and we are sanctified by grace through the working of the Holy Spirit. One of the most powerful fruits of God’s sanctifying work is breaking generational curses or sins from one’s life.

Original Air Date: July 31, 2022

Paul, The Apostle of Grace - Freedom Series

This summer, we begin a new series called The Summer of Freedom. I can’t think of a better time to launch a new series about Paul and one of the most important letters that he wrote, the Letter to the Galatians.

Original Air Date: July 3, 2022

Activating The Mantle of Elijah - Fathers

There is a threefold purpose for the mantle of Elijah: 1) He was to turn people’s hearts toward God the Father, 2) Turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, 3) Turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers.

Original Air Date: June 19, 2022

3 Keys To A Successful Family - Marriage

The family institution is the most important institution that God established on the earth. Unfortunately, we live on a broken planet because of sin. Because of sin, God’s blessing on the family has been lost.

Original Air Date: May 1, 2022

During all the madness in the world, Jesus offers the Good News of Easter—that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead, and offers peace, forgiveness of sins, and a new eternal life if you make Jesus the Lord of your life. All this because God loves you!

Original Air Date: April 17, 2022

The Good News of Easter

Pastors And Deacons

In Acts 6, the needs of the growing early church were so overwhelming that the apostles recommended that faithful leaders would be chosen and set aside to serve the people of God in a practical way.

Original Air Date: April 3, 2022

Paul’s Extraordinary Ministry

Our series in the book of Acts continues with a power-packed journey through the ministry of the Apostle Paul. In Part 2 of this message, Pastor Ché Ahn offers unique insights into the supernatural life of the early Church.

Original Air Date: March 20, 2022

The Life of Paul The Apostle

The Apostle Paul was the most important and impactful apostle in the New Testament. Why did God choose this man to be arguably the greatest church leader in all of history?

Original Air Date: March 13, 2022

Revival, Reformation & Restoration

God in His sovereignty has delegated the establishing of his Kingdom on earth to His sons and daughters through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Original Air Date: Feb 20, 2022

Power Evangelism

In a historic revival, the Church is revived, the harvest comes in, and society is transformed. The harvest came in because the revived Church went out and evangelized.

Original Air Date: Feb 13, 2022

Foundations For A Successful Christian Life

Peter was inspired by the Holy Spirit when he was preaching the Gospel and the crowd cried out, “What must we do to be saved?” He shares the foundational truths of how to be a successful follower of Jesus. In this message, I share eight foundational truths to help you to have a successful Christian life and to finish well.

Original Air Date: Jan 30, 2022

Part 2 of Foundations For A Successful Christian Life

In almost 50 years of walking with the Lord, the truths that I share with you today, if applied, will lay a foundation to help you to walk faithfully with the Lord.

Original Air Date: Feb 6, 2022

A Case For The Prophetic

The Holy Spirit fell in the upper room, and the 120 were all baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, interpreted that speaking in tongues was a manifestation of the prophetic and their encounter in the upper room was fulfilling the prophecy of Joel 2:28—that God would pour out His Spirit in the last days and His people would prophesy.

Original Air Date: Jan 23, 2022

VISION SUNDAY: Going After A Great Harvest

Pastor Ché casts his vision for 2022.

Original Air Date: Jan 9, 2022

A Year of Action

Introduction to the book of Acts. Advancing God’s Kingdome, A year of Action. The Book of Acts Series.

Original Air Date: Jan 2, 2022

Biblical Stewardship

I have been walking with the Lord for 48 years, and the longer I live, the more I realize how important stewardship is from God’s perspective. - Ché Ahn

Original Air Date: September 19, 2021

Tithing: A Missing Key To Revival

God has a lot to say about money. The Bible contains 2,000 verses on money. This will impact your life, marriage, health, and your finances.

Original Air Date: October 3, 2021

The Great Transfer of Wealth

We see that in Matthew 28:18-20, God is serious about discipling nations. We cannot bring about transformation of society without the transfer of wealth. The goal of stewardship is not just to win souls but to disciple nations.

Original Air Date: October 24, 2021

Supernatural Blessing: 3 Keys To Financial Blessing

God loves you! Out of His love for you as your heavenly Father, He longs to bless you. The blessing of God encompasses many things, including an abundant life, favor, health, intimacy, presence, but it also means wealth or riches.

Original Air Date: November 21, 2021

First Fruits: Breaking The Spirit of Poverty

The big change in Sue’s and my life financially was breaking the spirit of poverty over my life and my bloodline. This happened in 1997 in a very embarrassing way. I knew I had a spirit of poverty going back to 1992. -Ché Ahn

Original Air Date: December 5, 2021

How To Heal The Sick

There are many ways to pray for the sick but let me share with you a simple five-step process that I learned from the late John Wimber, when I took his course on Signs and Wonders and Church Growth, at Fuller Seminary. - Ché Ahn

Original Air Date: March 3, 2019

Receive Healing & Walk in Divine Health

Theology of the body, theology of healing and theology of the Kingdom. Original Air Date: Feb 24, 2019

United Prayer

“God gave us a word if we go out in unity and harmony, He would give us great success.” - Ché Ahn

Original Air Date: Feb 17, 2019

Baptism With The Holy Spirit

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Matthew 3:11

Original Air Date: Feb 3, 2019

Repentance & Baptism In Water

Baptism is so closely associated with salvation, that Peter says repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins. However, it is not a matter of salvation through water baptism. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith. The thief on the cross got saved and wasn’t baptized in water.

Original Air Date: Jan 27, 2019

Valuing The Prophetic

The first reason to value the prophetic is that God is pouring out His Spirit around the world and one of the most significant gifts of the Holy Spirit is the prophetic. We want to embrace what God is doing around the world.

Original Air Date: Jan 20, 2019

The Power Of The Holy Spirit

“There is a new impetus coming, a new momentum coming and that which had been out of alignment will ether come into alignment or fall by the wayside…” Prophetic word

Original Air Date: Jan 13, 2019